Celebrating latest achievements of TBTI Japan

TBTI Japan chapter published as part of the TBTI book on 'Implementation of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: A Legal and Policy Scan'

Li, Y. et al. (2024). Where Has the “Minsyuka (Democratization)” Gone? A Thorough Assessment of the New Japanese Fishery Act from the Perspective of Small-Scale Fishery Sustainability. In: Nakamura, J., Chuenpagdee, R., Jentoft, S. (eds) Implementation of the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines. MARE Publication Series, vol 28. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-56716-2_17

This chapter suggests a need to reimagine governance principles in Japan where there is a danger of losing what is important in fishery governance – securing the rights of the people who depend on small-scale fisheries and life above water – under the current situation with the rise of “equal” thinking, efficiency-oriented thinking, and the waning of important principles including the Difference Principle and minsyuka, as well as increasing awareness of the SSF Guidelines across the whole country and their conscious promotion.

Japan: A Living Proof of the 'Life Above Water'

Article by Yinji Li – Samudra Report (Issue - 91), June, 2024

Old Values, New Challenges

Article by Yinji Li – Samudra Report (Issue - 90), December, 2023


Girls Who Fish Japan

Article by Miyu Muraoka (Master’s student at Tokai University) and Yinji Li – Japanese Journal of Coastal Zone Studies (in Japanese)

This peer-reviewed paper (research note) provides a preliminary examination of the effectiveness of the social outreach program ‘Girls Who Fish Japan’ through a survey of the program participants. Initial validation results suggest that the program has provided an opportunity to bring girls and women to the water and raise awareness of gender issues in fisheries. However, challenges remain in the primary survey, which will take place based on this preliminary study.

Journal of Coastal Zone Studies 37 (2), 81-85, 2024-09-30

Japanese Association for Coastal Zone Studies

NHK Shizuoka interview with Yinji Li

Shizuoka Embrace tourism! Turning it into an attractive fishing village with Umigyo! What is the "Umigyo” that aims to improve fishers’ income? Interview with Associate Professor Yinji Li

*Umigyo is a concept that involves economic activities that are centered on fishers and their organizations. These activities utilize local resources like the sea, landscapes, traditions, and cultures to meet various needs. For more information about Umigyo, refer to Yinji Li’s INFOFISH article, Umigyo in small-scale fisheries in Japan.

International Cooperation!

Yinji Li hosted JICA trainees from Egypt, Cameroon, and Senegal in collaboration with the TBTI Japan community partners

TBTI Japan community partners and Girls Who Fish Japan members featured on the Umigyo promotion video produced by the Fisheries Agency

Thank you, Inarimaru and the Inatori fisheries cooperative of the Inatori fishing community, and thank you, our Girls Who Fish Japan girls!

Girls Who Fish Japan

Since its launch in October 2021, the Girls Who Fish Japan program has been regularly held in collaboration with multiple TBTI Japan community partners. For the first year, the program was hosted by the Mochimune Branch of the Shimizu Fisheries Cooperative Association. Since 2023, it has been held in various fishing communities in Shizuoka Prefecture. Here are a few recent events!

  • You Never Know What Seaweed Can Do Til You Try Kaleidoscope! Girls Who Fish girls (and boys) learn about seaweed! ️ Thanks, Terue Kawaguchi, from the Shizuoka Prefectural Federation of FCAs! 海藻のチカラを地域のタカラに! 静岡県漁連・海藻おしば協会の川口照恵さんを講師としてお招きし、海藻の勉強会を行いました!知る・触る・作る・観るのフルセットのアプローチで、海藻に一段と近づけました! ️漁業者コラボレーターの方や、静岡市水産漁港課しずまえ担当の方等も見えて、大切な学びの場を盛り上げてくださいました!

(November 2, 2024, Tokai University)

    • Girls Who Fish Japan in Yaizu, one of the leading fishing ports in Japan! Arigato, Yaizu Fisheries Coop! ✨️漁する女子ジャパン in 焼津!漁業者、漁協職員、漁業分野で活躍する女性等との交流会ほか、水揚げ見学、漁船乗船体験、冷凍庫体験、漁業資料館見学、漁協直売所見学、魚食など盛りだくさんの1日でした!焼津漁協ありがとう!

    (August 3, 2024. Yaizu Fisheries Cooperative Association)

      • Never ending fun! Girls Who Fish Japan!🐟️ Learn about Shirasu fishing in Mochimune! 漁する女子ジャパン 用宗編! 斉政丸、用宗支所、マルカイ、いつもありがとう!

      (June 22, 2024, Mochimune Branch, Shimizu Fisheries Cooperative Association)

  • My first shrimp! Welcome on Sakura shrimp board, Girls Who Fish! 漁する女子ジャパン、今回は桜えび春漁にお邪魔させていただきました!お邪魔にならないように頑張ってきました! 静岡県桜えび漁業組合の實石正則組合長はじめ、神栄丸、明神丸の皆さんには、大変お世話になりました!ありがとうございました!

(April 29, 2024. Yui Fisheries Cooperative Association)

  • What a wonderful day we had at Shirayanai Fisheries, a nori-farming family in Lake Hamana! We truly learn, and we truly grow😊!🐟️漁する女子ジャパン大盛り上がり in 白柳水産❗️✨漁船クルーズから海苔️網張りの作業現場見学、加工作業場見学、栄養満タン且つ美味満タン海苔食、漁師さん達との車座座談会などまで、’海苔’だくさんで開催されました!😊 大変充実した1日を過ごさせていただきました。そして一人一人にお土産まで✨️!白柳水産ファミリーの皆様ありがとうございました❗️

(September 24, 2023. Shirayanagi Fisheries)

    • Learning about set net fishing!定置網漁業を学ぶ🐟️

    (July 22, 2023. Yui Fisheries Cooperative Association)