TBTI Canada

Recent news about TBTI Canada

Launch of TBTI Canada

On World Fisheries Day, November 21, 2023, Too Big To Ignore (TBTI) Canada was launched as the newest hub of TBTI Global.  The aims of TBTI Canada are to strengthen the visibility and recognition of small-scale fisheries in Canada and to foster the exchange of knowledge and resources to fortify justice and sustainability for these fisheries in the long into the future.

Dr. Evan J. Andrews, the Hub Lead, expressed his enthusiasm for the launch. Evan emphasized the collaborative nature of the Hub, inviting interested parties to join the community, learn more about TBTI Canada, and actively participate in its upcoming activities.


It is an exciting time for small-scale fisheries research in Canada. With the establishment of TBTI Canada, we are inviting researchers, community leaders, NGOs, policymakers, and other stakeholders to come together, collaborate, and contribute to the understanding and support of small-scale fisheries in Canada. As a hub of TBTI Global, we now can connect in a meaningful way to small-scale fisheries research globally, and draw inspiration and lessons from the TBTI researchers who are making positive changes around the world.

E-book: Thinking Big about Small-Scale Fisheries in Canada

This e-book is an exceptionally comprehensive exploration of small-scale fisheries in Canada. It includes a tapestry of narratives, perspectives, and research that spans across the country and along its coasts. The diverse voices in this volume illuminate the profound impact of Canadian small-scale fisheries on the social, cultural, and economic fabric of inshore and coastal communities, and their pivotal role as key stewards of Canada’s aquatic ecosystems.

Given these contributions, the e-book highlights how Canadian small-scale fisheries are key to advance Canada’s commitments to sustainability, equity, conservation, and Truth and Reconciliation. By doing so, this volume envisions a new era of support that seeks to amplify Canadian small-scale fisheries, and emerges as a catalyst to fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to the flourishing of small-scale fisheries in Canada and the inland and coastal communities that depend on them.

Among others, the chapters explore solutions for social justice, adaptation solutions for and from Canadian small-scale fisheries, delve into collaborative solutions, discuss solutions for decent work in small-scale fisheries, and ways to navigate complexities for small-scale fisheries. By broadening the lens for small-scale fisheries in Canada, the chapters showcase that small-scale fisheries offer key solutions for a range of issues challenging governance of aquatic systems across this country.


Evan Andrews, Hub coordinator
Email: [email protected] 

Hub coordinator
