Book release: Thinking Big about Small-Scale Fisheries in Canada
This e-book is an exceptionally comprehensive exploration of small-scale fisheries in Canada. It includes a tapestry of narratives, perspectives, and research that spans across the country and along its coasts. The diverse voices in this volume illuminate the profound impact of Canadian small-scale fisheries on the social, cultural, and economic fabric of inshore and coastal communities, and their pivotal role as key stewards of Canada’s aquatic ecosystems.
Book release: Dried Fish Matters – Exploring the Social Economy of Dried Fish
This volume, consisting of essays, recipes, stories, and reflections contributed by members of the Dried Fish Matters partnership, provides a commentary on why dried fish matters – to us as researchers, to the communities in which dried fish is produced and consumed, and to the gastronomic heritage of humanity.
More to Sea
More to Sea is a project and book by Dutch marine governance graduate Mariëlle Klein Lankhorst. After her studies she travelled through Europe in her little marine blue car Babet to interview small-scale fishers.
The Gift of Community
This book is a follow up, or a continuation rather, of the 2019 book titled ‘Life Above Water: Essays on human experiences of small-scale fisheries’. The aim of the the new book is to explain how they come together and how they must be seen as a whole.
New e-book release: Small in scale, big in contributions
This book is a comprehensive guide for small-scale fisheries in Bangladesh for those interested in learning more about this vital sector. It provides an overview of the importance of small-scale fisheries, the challenges they face, and the opportunities they offer.
The book covers a wide range of concepts and themes that help make sense of small-scale fisheries as an important global phenomenon. Prof. Berkes also shares insightful lessons from his prolific academic life, along with some personal stories about the major twists and turns.