TBTI Philippines

TBTI Philippines Conducts 2nd ExeCom Meeting Hosted by the Batangas State University ARASOF-Nasugbu

The National Consortium for Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF) Research and Development or Too Big To Ignore (TBTI) Philippines had its Second Executive Committee Meeting on 13th of November, 2023 at the Batangas State University ARASOF – Nasugbu (BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu) Hostel Function Rooms A-E, Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas. The 2nd ExeCom meeting was hosted by the BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu.

Photos 1,2, and 3: The host of the TBTI Philippines 2nd Executive Committee Meeting last 13 November 2023  was Batangas State University ARASOF – Nasugbu (BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu) in Nasugbu, Batangas.

The ExeCom meeting started with a welcome message from Hon. Mildred B. Sanchez, the acting municipal mayor of Nasugbu, Batangas. Along with Hon. Sanchez are Mr. Sotero Castillo (from the Agriculture and Fisheries Office) and Ms. Carol Anne Zabarte (from the Tourism Office).

Photos 4 & 5: Hon. Mildred B. Sanchez, the acting municipal mayor of Nasugbu, Batangas, on her welcome message.

The Chancellor of the BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu, Dr. Enrico Dalangin, along with his Vice Chancellors, Dr. Lorissa Joana Buenas (Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs), Dr. Froilan Destreza (Vice Chancellor for Research, Development, and Extension Services), Assoc. Prof.  Josephine Vergara (Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance), and Assoc. Prof. Lorenjane Balan (Vice Chancellor for Development and External Affairs) also warmly welcomed everyone. Chancellor Dalangin gave an overview of BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu.

Photos 6 &7 : Chancellor Enrico Dalangin while giving the overview of BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu

The TBTI Philippines Executive Director, Dr. Alice Joan Ferrer, acknowledged the attendance of the members of the ExeCom who are heads (President and Chancellors) and representatives of the member-state universities and colleges (SUCs) in the country. There are 59 attendees in total and 24 member-SUCs were present and represented.

Photos 8 & 9: The members of the ExeCom who are heads (President and Chancellors) and representatives of the member-state universities and colleges (SUCs) in the country.

The Founding Consortium Chair and Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Visayas, Dr. Clement Camposano called the meeting to order after a quorum. The ExeCom reviewed the accomplishment of the consortium during its first year of operationalization (Year 2023). Each of the working committees such as the Conference and Fora Committee; Research Management Committee; Capacity Building Committee; Members, Network, and Linkages Committee; Publication and Publicity Committee; and Research Generation and Mobilization Committee presented their 2024 plans. A total of 16 plans were given action. Then towards the end of the meeting, the composition of the different working committees was updated.

Photo 10: TBTI Philippines Executive Director, Dr. Alice Joan Ferrer while acknowledging the attendance during the meeting.

Photo 11: TBTI Philippines Founding Consortium Chair and Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Visayas, Dr. Clement Camposano presiding the meeting.

After the meeting was adjourned, there was a formal MOA signing between TBTI Philippines and Mindanao State University Buug (MSU-Buug). The MOA was signed by Chancellor Clement Camposano (TBTI Philippines) and Acting Chancellor Sheila Magolama (MSU-Buug).

Photos 12 &13 : Formal MOA Signing between Chancellor Clement Camposano (TBTI Philippines) and Acting Chancellor Sheila Magolama (MSU-Buug).


The attendees were cordially received by the President of Batangas State University and also the current President of the Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC), Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo to their main Campus in Batangas City. President Ronquillo showed some of their facilities on the main campus such as their Command Building where the Action (Adaptive Capacity-building and Technology Innovation for Occupational Hazards and Natural Disasters (ACTION) Center is located. The center is the home for various stakeholders seeking assistance and support to expand their knowledge and skills about disaster preparedness and response. It operates under the Office of the University President in partnership with local, national, and international government agencies and private organizations.

Photos 14, 15, & 16: The members of the TBTI Philippines in Batangas State University Main Campus in Batangas City.

TBTI Philippines is extremely grateful to BatStateU, especially to the entire BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu faculty, staff, and students through the leadership of Chancellor Dalangin and Dr. Maria Luisa Valdez (Dean, College of Arts and Sciences and TBTI Philippines Focal Person) for the heartwarming hospitability and excellent hosting of the 2nd ExeCom Meeting.

Photo 17: Dr. Ferrer with VC Balan, VC Vergara, Dean Valdez, and Chancellor Dalangin

Photo 17: Dr. Ferrer with VC Balan, VC Vergara, Dean Valdez, and Chancellor Dalangin

Photo 19: Dean Valdez with the members of the faculty and staff of BatStateU ARASOF-Nasugbu