More to Sea

A portrait of Europe’s contemporary small-scale fisheries

by Mariëlle Klein Lankhorst

More to Sea is a project and book by Dutch marine governance graduate Mariëlle Klein Lankhorst. After her studies she travelled through Europe in her little marine blue car Babet to interview small-scale fishers. Her aim was to shed a different light on their livelihoods. Through the key question ‘’What keeps you from sleeping at night?” Mariëlle interviewed over forty fishers and combined interview quotes with photos on her website and social media. The book is organized around threats that fishers face and possible solutions. Fishers speak for themselves to these themes, illustrating situated knowledge and the importance of local responses to contemporary challenges.

The book is available for free, as an e-book in two sizes: smaller (8MB) and larger (50MB) file.

Click on the buttons below to download the e-book.

TBTI Global Book Series

Portrait of Small-Scale Fishers in the Philippines is the twelfth book published under TBTI Global Book Series. This publication series aims to highlight why we need to pay close attention to small-scale fisheries. The series will be of use to anyone interested in learning more about small-scale fisheries, especially about their important contribution to livelihoods, well-being, poverty alleviation and food security, as well as to those who are keen to help raise profile of small-scale fisheries in the policy realm.

TBTI Global Book Series

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