What is your connection to the ocean?

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Connecting to the Ocean Trailer

While publications and presentations remain the main channels for research dissemination, the need to engage audiences using different methods and alternative forms of media is increasingly recognized. Podcasts are one of those new option, offering opportunities for informal conversation and for making different types of connection. There are certain things that might be easy to do by learning it yourself. A good podcast, however, can really benefit from a professional help. This is what we learned from working with Michael Bartz of ‘In Over My Head’.

The starting point of the collaboration was our casual conversation with him about how we would like the work that we have done in the Ocean Frontier Institute Module I on ‘Informing Governance in a Changing Climate’ to be meaningful for coastal communities we work with, and to be impactful for policy and decision-making. Michael took a look at our materials, asked us a lot of questions, and together we drew up a plan. We wanted the episodes to cover various aspects of our research, highlighting key findings, main lessons, and take-home messages. We invited several researchers and community partners to be interviewed by Michael, while he was visiting this past summer. Michael also went around the bay to capture the sound of the ocean and the voices of the people willing to talk to him about their connection to the ocean. The results are these six podcast episodes that not only capture what we do but also why we do it, and what we hope would come out of our effort.

We listened to the sneak preview of what Michael produced, and were in awe by what we heard. How powerful the stories, the voices and the sound can be! We hope you enjoy this podcast series as much as we do. And if you are inspired by what you hear, send us an email ([email protected]) and let us know what’s your connection to the ocean.

About the creator

Michael Bertz wanted to lower his environmental footprint, so he built an off-grid tiny house. But when it comes to actually saving the planet, he felt in over his head! He was unsure if his downsizing and minimizing made a difference and wondered about the other aspects of our lives. What started out as simple questions about our personal impact on the planet has evolved into an exploration of bigger themes around living sustainably in a changing climate.

By giving a voice to researchers, authors, businesses, non-profits, and (sometimes) everyday people, Michael is starting a new conversation about how we can all come together to address our changing climate in a truly sustainable way. In the end, he hopes you’ll feel a little less in over your head when it comes to doing your part for the planet and feel inspired to live more sustainably.

List of episodes

Episode 1: Conversation & Conservation
  • Ratana Chuenpagdee, Memorial University, Canada
  • Evan Andrews, Memorial University, Canada
  • Jack Daly, Oceana, Canada

Why do we need to have conversation and new narratives about small-scale fisheries, how we govern the ocean, and progress in marine conservation efforts?

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Connecting to the Ocean Part 1: Conversation & Conservation
Episode 2: Ocean Health & Ocean Wealth
  • Rob Stephenson, Fisheries and Oceans & University of New Brunswick, Canada
  • Gerald Singh, University of Victoria, Canada
  • Brennan Lowery, Navigate Entrepreneurship Centre, Canada
  • John Norman, Mayor of Bonavista, Canada

Can coastal and ocean development happen without affect the health of the ocean and marine ecosystems, and the economic viability and wellbeing of coastal communities?

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Connecting to the Ocean Part 2: Health & Wealth
Episode 3: Equity & Justice
  • Paul Foley, Memorial University, Canada
  • Edith Samson, Sir William Ford Coaker Heritage Foundation, Canada
  • Lil Saul, Fisherwoman, Twillingate, Canada
  • Ryan, fish harvester from Petty Harbour, Canada

Equity and justice are fundamental principles, but do they exist in small-scale fisheries, especially related to access to resource, management and regulations, and from the historical perspective?

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Connecting to the Ocean Part 3: Equity & Justice
Episode 4: Safety & Order
  • Barb Neis, Memorial University, Canada
  • Joel Finnis, Memorial University, Canada
  • Desai Shan, Memorial University / Dalhousie University, Canada

Fishing, fish processing and maritime work are risky occupations. What needs to be done to provide better protection, and enhance occupational health and safety for those involved?

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Connecting to the Ocean Part 4: Saftey & Order
Episode 5: Future & Vision
  • María Andrée López Gómez, Memorial University, Canada / Center for Demographic Research, Spain
  • Rachael Cadman, Dalhousie University, Canada
  • Edith Samson, Sir William Ford Coaker Heritage Foundation, Canada
  • Dawn Mercer, DFO, Canada

What is the future of small-scale fisheries, in Newfoundland and Labrador? Who’s going to fish? What will make people stay in the fisheries? What’s the vision of the communities for their own future?

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Connecting to the Ocean Part 5: Future & Vision
Episode 6: Connection & Transformation
  • Jan Negrijn, Coastal Connections, Canada
  • Kimberly Orren, Fishing for Success, Canada
  • Monica Engel, Memorial University, Canada
  • and previous guests

Ocean and coastal connection start at home, with youth, and in communities. In the time of big change – climate, demography, policy, what kind of transformation is needed? What’s the starting point?

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Connecting to the Ocean Part 6: Connection & Transformation
Want to share your connection to the ocean, write to us: [email protected]